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ۼ : 17-07-20 16:27
[Ÿ(etc.)] NSD1380 Nurses Station Display
 ۾ : ϳα
ȸ : 2,915  
   NSD1380 Nurses Station Display Catalog Page.pdf (35.6K) [8] DATE : 2017-07-20 16:27:00

The NSD1380 Nurses Station Display (NSD) provides a central location to view the room status with audible and
visual alarms for up to eight rooms simultaneously, without using the Building Automation System (BAS).
You can configure the NSD to allow the nursing staff to change the room mode of an individual room.
The NSD1380 Nurses Station Display uses colored icons to display the status of each connected room.
• Green indicates adequate room pressure differential (and other measurements).
• Red indicates an alarm condition when the room pressure differential (or another measurement) exceeds a safe level.
• Gray indicates a room is in no isolation mode. Refer to the NSD1380 Nurses Station Display Product Bulletin
(LIT-12012233) for important product application and single point of contact information.